
We value an authentic, personal relationship with God as the highest calling and purpose of humanity. We value the person, life, and redemptive work of Jesus as the Mediator, Lord and Savior of the world. We value prayer, the Scriptures and all of the spiritual disciplines used throughout the Bible as a means of growing in this relationship.

We value the sixty six books of the Old and New Testaments as the authoritative, infallible, Word of God to the human race. We value the reading, study, memorization, meditation, teaching, preaching and application of the Scriptures as the primary way to know, understand and live out God’s kingdom and will in the earth.

We value the family unit defined in the Bible as that of a husband (male),wife (female) and children as the basic building block of society and the most ideal atmosphere to raise healthy and godly children. We value marital fidelity and the preservation of the family through the teaching and instruction of parents and children. We value the family as the primary means of educating children and the church as a support to that mission. We value widows, orphans and single parents and will stand with them and support them. We value the generational blessing passed on through grandparents and the extended family unit.

We value the local church as the primary means of extending God’s kingdom by fulfilling the Great Commandments and the Great Com- mission. We value local church autonomy and church leadership through elders as the proper Biblical form of government. We value the local church as the place where Biblical community, fellowship and purpose are to be lived out in practical ways.


We value disciple-making with Christ-like character as the goal. We value relationship based disciple making through personal mentoring and small group involvement as the Biblical model most often employed. We value teaching, preaching, mentoring, servanthood and the Christian disciplines as methods that lead to maturity.

We value servant leadership as modeled by our Lord Jesus Christ. We value the five gifts of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher as necessary to equip God’s people for servant leadership and ministry. We value equipping God’s people to lead in the church, the marketplace, and civil government.

We value the Person, power, fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit. We place special value upon the gift of prophecy as it re- veals the voice of the Holy Spirit to the church and receives special attention within the Scriptures. We value our Pentecostal and Charismatic church heritage and the supernatural works of God through these churches. We value the ministry of the Holy Spirit for the purpose of building up Christ’s church and empowering believers to fulfill the Great Commission. 


We value God’s desire to bring recovery and restoration to broken, abused, addicted, oppressed, and demon possessed people. We value the work of Jesus’ cross and resurrection, the power of the Holy Spirit and the use of Biblical principles to liberate people and renew the unhealthy thinking patterns that lead people into destructive behavior and habits.

We value God’s love for lost humanity and His call to reach people with the Good News. We value relationship based evangelism, small group outreach and the planting of churches as some of the most effective ways to reach people and disciple new converts. We value short and long term missionary efforts which support the indigenous church leaders in foreign lands as they seek to fulfill the Great Commission. 


We value the Kingdom of God and a Christian Worldview that encompasses every area of human experience and culture such as civil government, law, education, music, media, the arts, business, economics, science, medicine, philosophy, ethics and human reproduction and sexuality. We value cultural transformation by fulfilling the Great Commandments and Great Commission in every area of human endeavor. We value the promo- tion of a culture of life that protects human life from conception to death by natural means. 


We value faithful stewardship of the material blessings of God. We value the Biblical principles of tithing, giving offerings and alms and the subsequent promises of provision and prosperity contained within the Scriptures. We value good steward- ship of all the blessings of God including time, talents, gifts, property, the earth, relationships, vocation and min- istry calling. We value these gifts, believing God to be their source and every person to be accountable before God for their proper management.